Mirror mirror on the wall... who's the fairest of them all. The perfect Mother's Day gift! Phoenix Ballet presents the world premiere of Slawomir Wozniak's SNOW WHITE this May at the Orpheum Theatre (203 W Adams, Phoenix.) Phoenix Ballet brings this classic fairytale to life with a beautiful princess, seven dwarfs, and an evil queen with a poisoned apple. This family-friendly ballet is re-imagined with a classic flair and all new choreography, beautiful sets and colorful costumes. Featuring award-winning, internationally recognized professional dancers along with students from one of the top ballet schools in the entire world, Master Ballet Academy. Tickets ranged $18-75. There were discounts available for children, students and seniors.
With original choreography by Slawomir Wozniak, this magical production featured Tia Wenkman, Natalia Chersia, Jaden Grimm, Slawek Wozniak, Amber Skaggs, Basia Rhoden, Michal Wozniak and more!
It was held at the:
Friday, May 17 2019 @ 7:00 PM
Saturday, May 18 2019 @ 2:00 PM
Saturday, May 18 2019 @ 7:00 PM
Sunday, May 19 2019 @ 1:00 PM