We are so happy that you / your dancer is joining us for the 2024/25 Season! It's Aug 19, 2024 - May 25, 2025
There are three ways to register for MBA classes:
To register online, use the link below. Once on your online account you can see your schedule,
add classes and more! However, if your dancer needs an assessment (ages 8+) you won't be able to register for classes until we have their official level. This is for current student and new students. If ou are a current student and forgot your login or password, just call or email and we can reset that for you.
602-996-8000 (we will need waivers filled out in-person by your first class)
Please arrive about 10 minutes prior to class time or any other time not associated
with a class your student is registering for.
Need level placement? Click here for to find out more.